Diet hysteria
I've previously written this in Swedish, but this is for my international readers :)
Step 4: Start getting more active. When you exercise the body needs a bit more food to have energy to work out. It's important to add protein. Fish, chicken or red meat. Choose whichever works for you. Fish and chicken is good for you, even if red meat isn't as bad as you'd think. Obviously you shouldn't eat red meat 7 days a week. But don't forbid yourself from eating it, unless you're vegetarian.
Step 5: Make a food schedule. Plan your meals. This will create space for other kinds of food. Maybe that extra cookie you really wanted, or maybe you'll realise that you don't have any rooms for it. By taking charge over your diet there's no one you can blame but yourself if things don't go the way you want them to. And of course. You should never starve yourself. No one feels good from doing that.
A tip! Never skip breakfast, spread the food out over the entire day. Chew the food properly and eat slowly so you can feel when you're starting to get full. Never eat more than what you can but also make sure you don't feel hungry afterwards. Food which is high in fiber will keep your full longer.
I often get a lot of questions on how I managed to lose as much as weight as I have. A lot of people believe I've been on some mystery diet. Personally, I don't believe in diets. But that could also be because I don't believe in "quick fix's". Because you can almost compare it to when something breaks and if you don't fix it properly but just tape it together then it will break again and maybe this time even worse.
This is how I see weight loss. First of all, find out why you're overweight/underweight. It's usually something you will discover during your journey, but it's definitely worth a thought already before you start. Has something happened? Are you eating because you're bored or do you eat candy/food when you feel bad and can't handle your emotions? There are plenty of reasons to why you gain weight, and it's not always because you've eaten too much.
Personally I feel that the weight world is suffering from something I call diet hysteria. You try to drink 5 soups a day and expect amazing result. But when you've achieved your goal you will gain it all back again. And there's of course LCHF, which I personally find a bit weird. I'm sure it works for some people. But when it sounds more like a sect than a weight loss program at least I'm starting to question it. Don't ever forbid yourself from eating something, it will only make you want it more.
What is a good diet? This of course, is individual. What works for you may not work for someone else. But for me it's been about not compromising too much. If I want a cookie I will have a cookie. But it's also important not to feel bad about your choices. Because how many times have we craved something sickly and then felt awful about it? Felt disgusted? Well it's about time you stop feeling bad and start making active choices. If you want a cookie, eat it. But be prepared for what it means. It won't ruin your entire diet plan, but it will give you less space for other food.
Burn more calories than what you eat = weight loss
I don't think anyone can say this often enough! Because when you start realising what you've done to your body, or what illness or other things have done, then these mysterious mathematical numbers makes perfect sense. Because surely it's easy to calculate that if you want to lose weight you must burn what you're eating. But it's not easy to do so when you're stuck in a vicious circle and the more you think about it, the worse you feel.
Step 1: Get to know your body. What will make my body feel good? There are many different kinds of vegetables with similar kind of qualities and if you don't like for an example spinach, well then broccoli works just as good. They are both high in iron. If you need a lot of Vitamin C and A then carrots and peppers are perfect for vitamin A and the good old orange is perfect for vitamin C.
Step 2: Drink tons of water. Water will cleanse your body. Drink at least 8 cups of water every day. It's easy to balance it out during the entire day and water is vital for your weight loss.
Step 3: Add fiber! Switch your normal bread for whole grain bread with fiber. You don't have to stay away from carbs or bread. Carbs can be your friend, as long as you don't eat too much or eat bread that is high in sugar. You should try and eat at least 25 grams of fiber every day. Pears, apples and oatmeal are perfect sources of fiber.

Personally I feel that the weight world is suffering from something I call diet hysteria. You try to drink 5 soups a day and expect amazing result. But when you've achieved your goal you will gain it all back again. And there's of course LCHF, which I personally find a bit weird. I'm sure it works for some people. But when it sounds more like a sect than a weight loss program at least I'm starting to question it. Don't ever forbid yourself from eating something, it will only make you want it more.
What is a good diet? This of course, is individual. What works for you may not work for someone else. But for me it's been about not compromising too much. If I want a cookie I will have a cookie. But it's also important not to feel bad about your choices. Because how many times have we craved something sickly and then felt awful about it? Felt disgusted? Well it's about time you stop feeling bad and start making active choices. If you want a cookie, eat it. But be prepared for what it means. It won't ruin your entire diet plan, but it will give you less space for other food.
Burn more calories than what you eat = weight loss
I don't think anyone can say this often enough! Because when you start realising what you've done to your body, or what illness or other things have done, then these mysterious mathematical numbers makes perfect sense. Because surely it's easy to calculate that if you want to lose weight you must burn what you're eating. But it's not easy to do so when you're stuck in a vicious circle and the more you think about it, the worse you feel.
Step 1: Get to know your body. What will make my body feel good? There are many different kinds of vegetables with similar kind of qualities and if you don't like for an example spinach, well then broccoli works just as good. They are both high in iron. If you need a lot of Vitamin C and A then carrots and peppers are perfect for vitamin A and the good old orange is perfect for vitamin C.
Step 2: Drink tons of water. Water will cleanse your body. Drink at least 8 cups of water every day. It's easy to balance it out during the entire day and water is vital for your weight loss.
Step 3: Add fiber! Switch your normal bread for whole grain bread with fiber. You don't have to stay away from carbs or bread. Carbs can be your friend, as long as you don't eat too much or eat bread that is high in sugar. You should try and eat at least 25 grams of fiber every day. Pears, apples and oatmeal are perfect sources of fiber.
Step 4: Start getting more active. When you exercise the body needs a bit more food to have energy to work out. It's important to add protein. Fish, chicken or red meat. Choose whichever works for you. Fish and chicken is good for you, even if red meat isn't as bad as you'd think. Obviously you shouldn't eat red meat 7 days a week. But don't forbid yourself from eating it, unless you're vegetarian.
Step 5: Make a food schedule. Plan your meals. This will create space for other kinds of food. Maybe that extra cookie you really wanted, or maybe you'll realise that you don't have any rooms for it. By taking charge over your diet there's no one you can blame but yourself if things don't go the way you want them to. And of course. You should never starve yourself. No one feels good from doing that.
A tip! Never skip breakfast, spread the food out over the entire day. Chew the food properly and eat slowly so you can feel when you're starting to get full. Never eat more than what you can but also make sure you don't feel hungry afterwards. Food which is high in fiber will keep your full longer.
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